BTEX Case Report 

Extracting two pieces of broken fragment using BTEX Pen

In this video you can see the patient has two broken file in his tooth root. In this case the practitioner retrieves the broken fragments using Daimotech’s BTEX Pen and loop needle technique easily.

Removing broken files from root canals is one of the main challenges that dentists have faced. This video is a case report of how you can extract broken dental files with BTEX and solve this challenge as easy as possible.

Extracting Broken endo files with BTEX’s loop needle technique

you can see the dentist's attempt to extract the broken file step by step in this video. Another successful treatment case using the loop technique and Daimotech’s BTEX pen.

Retrieving Broken Dental Files Case Report

In this video you’ll see the dentist’s every single attempt in order to extract broken file with both loop needle method of BTEX and tweezer technique. As the result it’s shown loop needle technique with BTEX is the winner of the battle between these two methods.

Comparison of BTEX Pen against Tweezer technique in a retrieval case

Daimotech BTEX Pen using the loop needle technique is simply extracting a broken instrument from the root canal as it’s shown in this video.

Another success story of BTEX’s loop needle technique

The practitioner have noticed existence of a broken dental file in tooth canal and immediately tries the retrieval process with the help of BTEX pen.

Treated Case Report Using BTEX

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